Yoga, News Robert Phillips Yoga, News Robert Phillips

Where The Heck I've Been - What I've Been Up To!

They say that time flies when you’re having fun, so if that’s the case then I must have been having a blast for the past two years! Without even thinking much about it, I realized that it’s been almost two years since I moved from Boston to Washington, and so much has happened in that time.


They say that time flies when you’re having fun, so if that’s the case then I must have been having a blast for the past two years! Without even thinking much about it, I realized that it’s been almost two years since I moved from Boston to Washington, and so much has happened in that time.

I’ve been really fortunate to settle into a regular teaching schedule at a few great studios including: Dragon’s Breath Yoga, Circle Yoga, and Past Tense Yoga. I also got my Personal Trainer Certification through the American Council on Exercise. And most recently, I’m beginning my 500hr level Yoga Teacher certification through the Summers School of Yin Yoga in just a few days!

Carrie and I are loving life in DC. I don’t think that there’s any better city in the country (or possibly the world) with more amazing culture per capita. There’s always a new free event or museum exhibit to check out! We’ve been keeping super busy for the past two years, but there’s still tons that we haven’t even gotten to see yet.

I’ve also made the conscious decision to be more proactive with my web presence, so be on the lookout for much more content coming to this page and my Facebook in the near future.

In the meantime, I hope that I can see all of you on the mat very soon! Please check out my Schedule Page for where you can find me.

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Hi, I'm Rob! I teach Yoga and Meditation in West LA and Online.

You can learn a bit more about me here, in my bio.

Also, check out my public class schedule and upcoming workshops to practice with me in person, or online!