Why You Should Meditate Every Single Day - And How To Get Started RIGHT NOW
Even if you've already explored meditation in the past, there are many reasons why you should meditate every single day. In this video, I'll go over some of the science and research behind why this is the case. I'll give some pointers that will help you with your daily practice. And I'll even guide us through a short meditation so you can get started RIGHT NOW!
30 Minute Heart Opening Alignment Flow Yoga For Chest and Shoulders - All Levels
This is a 30-minute heart-opening alignment flow yoga sequence for all levels. In this yoga class we will focus on heart-opening poses such as locust or salabasana. You won't need any special props, and you can do this practice any time or place!
30 Minute Yin Yoga For Shoulders and Spine | Heart Meridian | Fire Element
Today's class will be a 30 minute Yin Yoga class for the Heart Meridian within the body and Fire Element within the Chinese 5 Element Cycle. Yin Yoga provides a great place for targeting the meridians of the body, through it's use of longs hold the focus mostly on the deepen connective tissues. Fire is the second element in the Chinese Five Element Cycle. It is associated with the Summer Season and its peak Yang energy. Physically this sequence will work primarily on the shoulders and spine.
The top 5 MUST READ Books For NEW Meditators - The Best Books About Meditation
These are my five must-read books for new meditators,. They cover a wide range of topics from practice to philosophy. Some are funny, some are insightful. All are great to read. All of these books are perfect if you are ready to take your practice more seriously, even for more experienced mediators. Mindfulness in Plain English: http://ahandfulofleaves.org/documents/Mindfulness%20in%20Plain%20English_Gunaratana.pdf Our Pristine Mind: https://pristinemind.org/our-pristine-mind/ Zen Mind Beginners Mind: https://www.shambhala.com/zen-mind-beginner-s-mind-1796.html Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Who-Ordered-This-Truckload-of-Dung/Brahm/9780861712786 Why Buddhism Is True: http://whybuddhismistrue.net/?page_id=93
10 Minute Quick Alignment Flow Yoga for Morning or Anytime
This is a 10 minute quick alignment flow yoga sequence that is perfect to start your day, or any time that you need a little pick me up! In this quick yoga sequence we will cover a few lunges and twists. In just 10 minutes, you'll be refreshed and ready to go!
How Meditation Improves Your Yoga Practice | Free Your Mind, the Body Will Follow
Today we will learn how meditation improves your yoga practice. We'll begin with a discussion about the history of yoga, and why meditation was so important within that tradition. We'll talk about some of the benefits of meditation and how it can help to improve your yoga practice. I'll even tell the story of how I learned to truly realize how much of a compliment meditation could be to my physical asana practice. And finally, I'll give you some suggestions if you want to begin to incorporate your own meditation practice alongside your physical yoga practice.
45 Minute Yin Yoga For Liver Meridian | Wood Element | Outer Hips
Today's class will be a 45 minute Yin Yoga class for the Liver Meridian and Wood Element within the Chinese 5 Element Cycle. Yin Yoga provides a great place for targeting the meridians of the body, through it's use of longs hold the focus mostly on the deepen connective tissues. Wood is the first element in the Chinese Five Element Cycle. It is associated with the Spring Season and signifies new growth and development. Physically this sequence will work primarily on the outer hips.
How Long Should I Sit In Meditation? How to Find Your Ideal Sitting Time.
How long should I sit in meditation?? It's a question asked by countless meditators, and yet the answer can be elusive. Each person's meditation practice and goals are different. So determining how long to sit in meditation for can vary wildly from person to person. Have said that, there are some good guidelines to consider, and I'll even share an ideal time that I think is a great starting point for most practitioners.
Yin Yoga For Complete Beginners - 30 Minute Yin Yoga For Outer Hips
Today's class will be a 30 minute outer hip-focused Yin Yoga class for complete beginners. Even if you're brand new, this class will give you an accessible way to start your Yin Yoga journey! If you know absolutely nothing about yin yoga, I recommend checking out my video on the Principles of Yin Yoga here: https://youtu.be/xA9tsdbvuTU
Vedena: Feeling Tone Meditation - 15 Minute Guided Vipassana Meditation
Today we will discuss how to practice meditation on feeling tone, or Vedena as it is often called. We will also practice a 15 Minute Guided Vipassana Meditation to put some of these principles into action. This practice involves tuning into the tone or feeling associated with what we are noticing moment by moment in our practice. We also learn how each feeling tone corresponds to one of the Five Hindrances. By learning to notice these particular resonances of the mind in our meditation, we can learn to be less affected by the feeling and better able to work with a wide variety of feeling tones within our practice.
The Four Principles of Yin Yoga
Today we will learn some of the essentials of Yin Yoga by studying the Four Principles of Yin Yoga practice. By mastering these fundamentals, you will be better prepared for all types of sequences, and better able to take care of your body during Yin Yoga practice.
Today we will learn some of the essentials of Yin Yoga by studying the Four Principles of Yin Yoga practice. By mastering these fundamentals, you will be better prepared for all types of sequences, and better able to take care of your body during Yin Yoga practice.
I learned these Four Principles from Josh Summers and Terry Cockburn at the Summers School of Yin Yoga. You can find them here: https://joshsummers.net/school/
Energetic Metta - 30 Minute Guided Energetic Lovingkindness Meditation
Metta is the name of traditional Buddhist Loving Kindness Meditation. This form of Purifying Meditation is one of the four Brahmaviharas, or Divine Abodes. By adapting our classic Loving Kindness practice into an Energetic Meditation, we can discover new depths to the purifying power of Metta.
Metta is the name of traditional Buddhist Loving Kindness Meditation. This form of Purifying Meditation is one of the four Brahmaviharas, or Divine Abodes. By adapting our classic Loving Kindness practice into an Energetic Meditation, we can discover new depths to the purifying power of Metta.
Noting The Six Sense Doors: Simple Vipassana For Beginners -15 Minute Mahasi Style Guided Meditation
Building on our exploration of the Six Sense Doors, this week's guided meditation will show us how to use the Six Sense Doors as the basis for a simple Vipassana meditation.
For the basics of the Six Sense doors, please see my introductory video: https://youtu.be/KJ-3KPmfm9s
Building on our exploration of the Six Sense Doors, this week's guided meditation will show us how to use the Six Sense Doors as the basis for a simple Vipassana meditation. The technique of Noting or Labeling our senses was made famous by the influential Burmese meditation teacher Mahasi Sayadaw, and is widely practiced at Insight Meditation centers around the world. According to Buddhist Abhidhamma, each moment of awareness contains an object arising within one of our six sense doors. The practice of Noting teaches us to identify each of these moments with more and more clarity. In the larger framework of Buddhist Philosophy, this clarity will give us deeper insight into the true nature of reality. Join me for this 15 minute Guided Insight Meditation where we will learn the basics of Mahasi Style Noting using the Six Sense Doors.
An Introduction To The Six Sense Doors: 20 Minute Guided Mindfulness Meditation Practice
By learning to observe our senses more clearly on a moment to moment basis, we can gain deep insight into the nature of reality. In doing so, we can unravel subconscious patterns of stress and resistance, and learn to live more clearly in the world. Join me for this 20 minute guided introduction to practicing with the six sense doors.
The Six Sense Doors form the backbone of Insight Meditation Practice (Vipassana). The Buddhist Theory of the senses says that in addition to our five traditional senses (seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling, tasting) we can also observe what arises within our minds as a sense in it's own right. In the larger framework of Buddhist Philosophy, all sense objects are considered equal and worth observing closely.
By learning to observe our senses more clearly on a moment to moment basis, we can gain deep insight into the nature of reality. In doing so, we can unravel subconscious patterns of stress and resistance, and learn to live more clearly in the world. Join me for this 20 minute guided introduction to practicing with the six sense doors.
Open Spacious Awareness: 20 Minute Open Awareness Guided Mindfulness Meditation
When we cultivate an open spacious awareness the mind becomes more clear, our thoughts slow down, and we're able to see things more as they really are. Join me today for this 20-minute open awareness guided meditation where we'll cultivate this open state of mind. Even if you don't know how to meditate, this video will show you how. All you'll need is a comfortable place to sit for the next twenty minutes.
When we cultivate an open spacious awareness the mind becomes more clear, our thoughts slow down, and we're able to see things more as they really are. Join me today for this 20-minute open awareness guided meditation where we'll cultivate this open state of mind. Even if you don't know how to meditate, this video will show you how. All you'll need is a comfortable place to sit for the next twenty minutes.
Quick Sit: Five Minute Guided Mindfulness Meditation For Any Time
If you want to feel more centered and relaxed, but don't have a lot of time, let me teach you how to meditate with this Five Minute Quick Sit. All you'll need is a comfortable place to sit for the next five minutes. This meditation is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced meditators.
If you want to feel more centered and relaxed, but don't have a lot of time, let me teach you how to meditate with this Five Minute Quick Sit. All you'll need is a comfortable place to sit for the next five minutes. This meditation is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced meditators.
15 Minute Guided Mindfulness Practice: Observe Your Breath - Meditation Monday
Join me for this 15 minute guided meditation, where we use awareness of the breath to deepen concentration.
Join me for this 15 minute guided meditation, where we use awareness of the breath to deepen concentration.
Welcome to Meditation Mondays!
Hello Yoga Community, I’ve started a new project.
Every Monday I'll upload a new guided meditation to my YouTube channel and Instagram TV. Check out the first installment below.
Be sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel while you're there too!
Hello Yoga Community, I’ve started a new project.
Every Monday I'll upload a new guided meditation to my YouTube channel, Soundcloud and Instagram TV. Check out the first installment below.
Be sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel while you're there too!
Dukkha, Stress, and Mindfulness in the time of Social Distancing.
How can we stay present during stressful times? How does the Buddhist concept of Dukkha help us to understand the challenges of Social Distancing? What are the Yin and Yang or mindfulness? All this and more in this chat with Rob Phillips and Darin Volwiler.
How can we stay present during stressful times? How does the Buddhist concept of Dukkha help us to understand the challenges of Social Distancing? What are the Yin and Yang or mindfulness? All this and more in this chat with Rob Phillips and Darin Volwiler.
My top 4 recommended books for new meditators.
I recorded another edition of Dragon Tales for Dragon’s Breath Yoga. Here I discuss my four most recommended books for students who are new to meditation and/or mindfulness.
I recorded another edition of Dragon Tales for Dragon’s Breath Yoga. Here I discuss my four most recommended books for students who are new to meditation and/or mindfulness.
Hi, I'm Rob! I teach Yoga and Meditation in West LA and Online.
You can learn a bit more about me here, in my bio.
Also, check out my public class schedule and upcoming workshops to practice with me in person, or online!